Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sting & Anna Maria Jopek [2016.12.08] Torun, Poland [SBD]


Sting & Anna Maria Jopek - Poland 2016
Sala Widowiskowa
Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowe ‘Jordanki’
(Spectacular Room, Cultural Centre and Congress)
Torun, Poland
Thursday December 8th, 2016

Broadcast Sounboard Recording
Encoded: 224 Kbps MP3

Track List: (Artwork Included)
Anna Maria Jopek:
01. Intro
02. Sproboj mowic kocham
03. Szepty i lzy
04. Upojenie
05. Intro
06. I Can’t Stop Thinking About You
07. One Fine Day
08. Petrol Head
09. Message In A Bottle
10. Englishman in New York
11. Soul Cake
12. Fragile [with Anna Maria Jopek]
13. Every Breath You Take [with Anna Maria Jopek]

Anna Maria Jopek is a Polish musician and singer. She represented her country in the 1997 Eurovision Song Contest, with the song “Ale jestem” and finished 11th out of 25 participating acts; and in 2002, she collaborated on an album with jazz guitarist Pat Metheny. (...More)

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