Sunday, June 11, 2023

David Bowie - The Leon Suites (1.Outside Outtakes) [SBD]


David Bowie - The Leon Suites
(Bowie Station : BOWSTAT018)

Excellent Studio Soundboard Recordings
Encoded: 224 Kbps MP3

Track List: (Artwork Included)
01. Suite 1 - I Am With Name  [Time - 22:09][Size - 37.2MB]
02. Suite 2 - Leon Takes Us Outside [Time - 21:29][Size - 36.1MB]
03. Suite 3 - Enemy Is Fragile [Time - 27:37][Size - 46.4MB]

Paperdragon, Bowie Station:
I talked to one of the musicians who is on this and got a more complete story. First, these aren’t outtakes at all and, second, they weren’t initially intended to be a Bowie album. The idea was to form a sort of supergroup behind Bowie and Eno, and record an album as a one-off project for that group. This is essentially that album. So what we have here is a fully-realized concept album for a group that never came into existence.

It was then presented to the record company, who as we all know rejected it as “uncommercial.” After that, Bowie used parts of it as the basis for an entirely new project, which became '1.Outside'. So, had this been released, '1.Outside' would have never happened. So, rather than this being outtakes from '1.Outside', it’s actually more true that '1.Outside' was based on outtakes from 'The Leon Suites', an album in its own right. -Paperdragon, Bowie Station.

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