Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Public Image Limited [1987.09.28] Astoria, London U.K.


Public Image Limited (P.I.L)
Astoria, London, England
Monday September 28th, 1987

Audience Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List: (Artwork Included)
01. Save Me
02. Rise
03. Seattle
04. Allah
05. FFF
06. Open & Revolving
07. Low Life
08. Home
09. Rules & Regulations [cut]
10. (continued)
11. Hard Times
12. Fat Chance Hotel
13. World Destruction
14. Angry
15. The Body
16. Round
17. Public Image
18. Holidays In The Sun
19. This Is Not A Love Song [cut]
20. (continued)
21. Religion

1 comment:

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/xvgtpn889mvmdxn/PIL19870928Astoria1of2-YUP.rar


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