Wednesday, April 10, 2024

King's College - A Festival Of Nine Lessons And Carols 2017 [FM]


King's College
'A Festival Of Nine Lessons And Carols 2017'
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England
Christmas Eve, Sunday December 24th, 2017

BBC Radio 4 Broadcast Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Lineage: BBC Radio 4 48k HLS stream
BBC 365kbs 48k AACffmpegtrimmed (no processing)

Track List:
Track 01. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part A 9:40
Track 02. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part B 17:12
Track 03. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part C 10:28
Track 04. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part D 10:14
Track 05. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part E 8:02
Track 06. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part F 12:20
Track 07. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part G 10:12
Track 08. Festival of Nine Lessons - Part H 7:18

Tracks arbitrarily split for easier access.

For many around the world, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, live from the candlelit Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, marks the beginning of Christmas. It is based around nine Bible readings which tell the story of the loving purposes of God. They are interspersed with carols old and new, sung by the world-famous chapel choir who also lead the congregation in traditional Christmas hymns. (...More)

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