Pink Floyd - A Real Need - Animals Live
(Echoes Of The Dark Side Of The Wall)
Catalog Number: CDR.001.EDW
Excellent Audience Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3
Track List: (Artwork Included)
01- Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)
'Animals On The Wing' - Olympiahalle, Munich, West Germany. 27 Feb 1977.
02- Dogs
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY. 2 July 1977
03- Pigs (Three Different Ones)
'The Fireman’s Oakland Master' - Oakland Coliseum, Oakland, CA. 9 May 1977
04- Sheep
Stade Du Parc Olympique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 6 July 1977
05- Pigs On The Wing (Part 2)
'The Perfect Day' - Boston Garden, Boston, MA. 27 June 1977