Friday, September 1, 2023

Velvet Underground - The Complete Professor Reels (6CD)



Velvet Underground - Complete Professor Reels (6CD)
Live at the Boston Tea Party 1968-1969

Very Good Audience Recordings
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Original Lineage: 5" (?) master reels > 10" reels (7-1/2ips, w/ modest EQ) > AIFF > FLAC
Properly re-encoded from the original faulty FLAC files.

Track Listings:
Disc 1:
1968/12/12 Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party
101 Heroin
102 I'm Gonna Move Right In
103 I'm Waiting For The Man
104 I'm Set Free
105 Foggy Notion
106 Beginning To See The Light
107 Candy Says
108 White Light/White Heat
109 Jesus

Disc 2:
201 Sister Ray
202 Pale Blue Eyes

1969/01/10 Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party
203 Heroin
204 I'm Gonna Move Right In
205 I'm Set Free
206 Run Run Run
207 I'm Waiting For The Man
208 What Goes On
209 I Can't Stand It

Disc 3:
301 Candy Says
302 Beginning To See The Light
303 White Light/White Heat
304 Pale Blue Eyes
305 Sister Ray

1969/03/13 Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party
306 Heroin
307 Candy Says
308 Ferryboat Bill
309 I'm Waiting For The Man
310 I'm Set Free
311 What Goes On

Disc 4:
401 I Can't Stand It
402 Beginning To See The Light
403 That's The Story Of My Life
404 White Light / White Heat
405 Jesus
406 Sister Ray/Murder Mystery

1969/07/11 Boston, MA - Boston Tea Party
407 I'm Waiting For The Man
408 Jesus

Disc 5:
501 Run Run Run
502 I'm Set Free
503 White Light / White Heat
504 Candy Says
505 Pale Blue Eyes
506 Beginning To See The Light
507 Sister Ray/Murder Mystery

Disc 6:
1969/08/02 Mason, NH - Hilltop Pop Festival
601 I'm Waiting For The Man
602 Run Run Run
603 Pale Blue Eyes
604 What Goes On
605 Heroin

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