Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sex Pistols [1977.08.24] Tax Exiles (Outlook Club, Doncaster, England)


Sex Pistols - Tax Exiles
Sex Pistols On Tour Secretly
Outlook Club, Doncaster, England
Wednesday August 24th, 1977

Audience Recording
Encoded: 256 Kbps MP3

Sex Pistols performing under the guise of the "Tax Exiles" as part of their S.P.O.T.S (Sex Pistols on Tour Secretly) in 1977. The Sex Pistols were not aloud to play so they changed there name to various names. They were called the "Tax Exiles" on this gig. This is the complete gig.

Track List: (Artwork Included)
01 - Anarchy In The U.K.
02 - I Wanna Be Me
03 - Lazy Sod (Seventeen)
04 - New York
05 - EMI
06 - Holidays In The Sun
07 - No Feelings
08 - Problems
09 - Pretty Vacant
10 - God Save The Queen
11 - No Fun

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