Friday, March 25, 2022

Carl Orff - Carl Orff's Carmina Burana - Boston Symphony Orchestra [FM]


Carl Orff's Carmina Burana
Performed by Boston Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Hall, Boston, MA, USA
Saturday November 8th, 2008

FM Broadcast Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

FM Broadcast Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Carmina Burana: Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis”
“Songs of Beuern: Secular songs for singers and choruses to be sung together with instruments and magical images”.

For the first time in almost four decades at Symphony Hall, the Boston Symphony Orchestra performs Carl Orff’s stirring 20th-century masterpiece Carmina Burana, led by Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, one of the work’s most ardent proponents, November 6-8.

And in a rare pairing conceived by Maestro Frühbeck de Burgos, the concert’s first half features historic settings of some of the original 13th-century poems Orff used as text for this scenic cantata, performed by Benjamin Bagby’s renowned vocal troupe Sequentia: Ensemble for Medieval Music.

Carmina Burana features the Boston Symphony Orchestra along with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus and the acclaimed PALS Children’s Chorus. The work’s guest soloists are two vocalists making notable debuts: the outstanding German baritone Christian Gerhaher in his first BSO performance, and the young French soprano Norah Amsellem in her first appearance at Symphony Hall. -

Track List: (Artwork Included)
Disc One:
Sequentia: Songs from the original medieval manuscript of Carmina Burana
101. Intro
I The Wheel of Fortune
102. Iste mundus furibundus
103. O Varium Fortune lubricum
II Time Out For Eros
104. Axe phebus aureo
105. Sic mea fata canenda solor
106. Procurans odium
III Money, Power, Corruption
107. O Curas hominum
108. Curritur ad vocem nummi
109. Initium Sancti Evangelii
110. Dic Christi veritas
111. Radio outro

Sequentia: Ensemble for Medieval Music
Benjamin Bagby, Director
Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos conducting

Disc Two:
Boston Symphony Orchestra - Carmina Burana
201. Radio intro
202. O Fortuna
Fortune plango vulnera
204. Veris leta facies
205. Omnia sol temperat
206. Ecce gratum
207. Tanz
208. Floret silva
209. Chramer
210. Reie
211. Were diu werlt alle min
212. Estuan interius
213. Olim lacus colueram
214. Ego sum abbas
215. In taberna quando sumus
216. Amor volat undique
217. Dies, nox et omnia
218. Stetit puella
219. Circa mea pectora
220. Si puer cum puellula
221. Veni, veni, venias
222. In trutina
223. Tempus est iocundum
224. Dulcissime
225. Ave formosissima
226. O Fortuna
227. Radio outro

Boston Symphony Orchestra with:
Christian Gerhaher: baritone
Norah Amsellem: soprano
The Tanglewood Festival Chorus
PALS Children’s Chorus
Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos conducting


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